Hallo Gabrielle,
you describe the first step I’ve taken. After the necessary reboot I discovered that webtop5 had entered maintenance mode.
So I tried login in with
- admin/new password created after first installation
- admin/admin
- admin@domain/admin
- admin@domain/created password after installation
then I changed the password of the nethserver admininistrator account under tab user/group and tried to login with these credentials, both with user admin as well as with user admmin@domain
No succes
Then I removed webtop and reinstalled it with no succes either.
So after searching the internet and the community forum giving me not any clue I opend this thread, which up till now also doesn’t give any solution.
Where do I find this “core”.“local_vault” table?
I think it’s in the above mentioned ./inti-data-core.sql/20users file which states:
“INSERT INTO “core”.“local_vault” VALUES (’*’, ‘admin’, ‘PLAIN’, ‘admin’);”
Also there seems to be a typo in the following (locahlost instead of localhost)
“INSERT INTO “core”.“users_info” VALUES (’*’, ‘admin’, NULL, NULL, ‘System’, ‘Admin’, NULL, NULL, ‘admin@locahlost’, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);”