Webtop verification code never received

OK so I am still in NS7 and I needed to use my webtop on a new PC.
It says it needs a verification code that was supposedly sent to my mail.
(and indeed months ago when I needed to do that again, it did send code)

Now, it doesn’t send anything anywhere!
(my mail works ok otherwise)

What can I do?

(btw ain’t it a bit stupid to use same mail to send code? What happens if there isn’t any other client that can login and receive that code?)

You could login as Webtop admin and disable the OTP for the user:

Please check /var/log/webtop/webtop.log for possible errors on Webtop side and /var/log/maillog for possible errors on mail server side.

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Thanks forgot I could disable it.

That said, I never found in the logs why I never got the code.

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