Hi @greavette
Thunderbird has a built in mailbox format. As this is all open siurce, it can never be closed.
I use Thunderbird as “holder” for these mail archives. These can be further split up as needed, Thunderbidr itself just defines where the Archive will reside. I put this on a Network drive. No worries this way of backing up PC based data.
I use this process once yearly, then for all users / accounts. Annual Cleanup and Archival, you might call this.
I connect Thunderbird individually to each Account, do the process, then disconnect, and the next account/user. This is a major advantage of IMAP, which both Nethserver and Webtop uses, so why not an Administrative Thunderbird for processes not better handled (yet?) in WebTop or whereever. Thunderbird is really versatile.
As Thunderbirds free and available for all platforms, any user who might need it can install it when needed, and reference the Archive file. You as admin could provide the personal archive of this user if needed.
Thunderbird works together with Outlook and other Mail Programs side by side. Windows require you define one as “master mail App”, but others can co-exist. Same goes for Mac and Linux desktops.
Another Option would be a second VM or Container, running an independant mail system
just for archival purposes. Citadel would be a good, WebTop like All-In-One, uses VERY little resources, and would be ideal, eg together with IMAPsync on NethServer as a “formal” Mail Archive / Hotspare.
A simple DNS switch and IP routing from Firewall, and the second, completly independant from NethServer could go live (Until Neth is fixed or whatever.).
Citadel is unlike most UNIX/Linux Apps, that it has all in a binary basically.
→ Citadel can do LDAP or AD, but as a Backup I prefer something completly independant!
I hope these answer most of your questions.
PM me, if you need more advice.
My 2 cents
Have a look at emClient…
Clients suggested that to me, and several are using this…
Killer Featrure for you: