Webtop - Issue - Replying to an email from someone in your domain the TO email address does not auto form fill

Replying to an email from someone in your domain the TO email address does not auto form fill with their address. External relies do.

Maybe it’s your case:

In Webtop, when performing a “reply all” to an email, it may happen that not all addresses in To: and CC: of the original email are included in the created email.

By default, addresses that are also shared accounts with the sender of the original email are not included.

To change this behavior do the following

  • Log in to Webtop as admin user
  • In “Properties (System)” click on the “Add” button
  • Select “com.sonicle.webtop.mail (E-mail)”.
  • In the field that opens, create a new variable by typing: message.replyall.stripmyidentities
  • To the variable just created, in the field beside, type false to disable the function

Thank you that was the answer. Have you any other nuggets?

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