WebTop 5 - New update release 5.4.1

The WebTop development team has just released a new update release: 5.4.1
(thanks to the Webtop Team particularly: @gabriele_bulfon , @matteo.albinola and @Amygos)

Here are the official release notes published: https://www.sonicle.com/docs/webtop5/release_notes.html
In particular, with this release all issues related to those development versions 5.4.0 and 5.4.1.

Reference issue: https://github.com/NethServer/dev/issues/5607

Top New Feature:


  • Highlight the current time on the calendar with a line

Major bug fixes:

  • [calendar] Rendering issue if event dates fall on DST boundaries
  • [calendar] The date corresponding to the DST is seen twice in the monthly calendar
  • [mail] TinyMCE editor does not select image on click
  • [mail] Public images can not be placed on the domain signature from the admin panel
  • [tasks] Cannot setup email reminders
  • [mail] Some mail with attachments do not show the attach icon on the grid
  • [contacts] Setting key “default.category.sync” not honored
  • [core] Error in identity management via admin panel
  • [core] The account email settings can not be changed from the admin panel
  • [mail] Alternate root doesn’t work correctly

To update immediately or install this new release:

yum clean all && yum update nethserver-webtop5 webtop5 (to update)

yum clean all && yum install @nethserver-webtop5-groupware (to install)


Waited 6 days, no update came.
Some updates came today (mail section), but no webtop came.
Run the command

no update came.
at login still 5.4
Policy update set to “Locked”; but i also lend a try changing policy and no update came.

What can i check for assure that’s nothing wrong into my installation?

Hi pike,

login in webtop and point the mouse to the home button. Then you can see Home v 5.4.1 Sonicle S.r.l



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has been updated :wink:
The previous release would have shown you 5.3 !

so current standard is “show minor version, not bugfix release”?

I agree with @pike: the main page should display the whole version or no version at all.

I’d like also the possibility to hide the whole footer or replace it with a custom one.

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I substantially agree. Should be a sysadmin choice let the version be publicly available, and from Legal DPT the possibility to decide a claim/warning/disclaimer under the login page.

What do you think @gabriele_bulfon of these requests?