The WebTop development team has just released a new update release: 5.3.3
(thanks to the Webtop Team particularly: @gabriele_bulfon, @matteo.albinola and @Amygos)
Here are the official release notes published:
In particular, with this release all issues related to those development versions from 5.3.0 to 5.3.3 are included.
Top New Feature:
- New header toolbar layout (icons scale, centered searchbox, etc)
- Centralized user options management from admin panel
link to the manual [here]
Favorites folder and management
Remote calendars and contacts auto-sync
link to the manual [here]
Click2SMS (Rest API Smshosting and Twilio)
link to the manual [here]
(see the details of the settings here) -
WebRTC Voice and Video call on chat. (BETA)
link to the manual [here]
- Add the ability to insert link buttons in launcher (BETA)
link to the manual [here]
Other new features:
- Improve chat UI
- New SMTP setting to support starttls and user authentication. (link to the manuale here)
- Autosave on drafts folder
- Add support to subject and body parameters in mailto urls clicked inside mail view
- New option for no mailcard on reply or forward
- Paste of emails from Excel column to Message Editor recipients
- Add “receive notification on external update” option on calendars
- Enable attendees management within recurring events
- Contacts Import LDIF format
Bug fix:
- Possible heavy load on inboxes with ten thousands of unseen emails
- Forwarding messages with attached eml doubles final attachments
- Creating a main folder with name “root” causes the folders tree go crazy
- Emails that contain images become already read
- Labels with space in the name are not applied
- The modification of a custom label is not applied to the emails
- Duplicate folders in the connected nextcloud resource
- Webdav folders are duplicated if name contains encoded whitespaces
- Sending or discarding a new message may sometime prompt errors
- Some text/plain mails with non utf-8 charset may not display correctly
- Sent receipts are always saved in the Sent folder of the main user, also inside shared identities folders
- Firefox does not show the grid after login, with Crisp theme
- TinyMCE editor applies blob conversion on inline images
- Advanced search anywhere does not provide correct results
Reference issue:
To update immediately or install this new release:
yum clean all && yum --enablerepo=nethserver-updates update nethserver-webtop5 webtop5
(to update)
yum clean all && yum --enablerepo=nethserver-updates install @nethserver-webtop5-groupware
(to install)
From next week it will be installable and upgradable also through the Software Center