Web Server not accessible via local ip or internet FQDN

NethServer Version: NS8
Module: webserver

What would cause web server not to come up locally and via internet FQDN after installing web server, configuring and coping HTML static site with SFTPGo on NS8?

At worst, after loading the web server package, I should see the Nethserver default HTML page. Correct?

I have already moved my static site over to NS8 via SFTPGo. With proper user and password. I should be able to see a website at my local address for web server (ex: http://192.168.x.x or https://192.168.x.x) and the internet at http://domain.com or https://dmain.com. Correct?


Okay. Never mind on this. :grimacing: It has to do with my OPNSense has been changed,

I am new to OPNSense :upside_down_face: and having to get use to the way they set up their rules and stuff.

Looks like the way I configured the settings, it has caused issues with external seeing the NS8 ports. I have fixed it. I am still adjusting and reconfiguring as I am still trying to find why my Public IP is not pingable, but I am working on it.

Thanks again everyone. :grinning:

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