NethServer Version: 7
Module: Web content filter
i use shallalist for Blacklist does not respond
I see only my custom categories in Filters
why did the categories disappear in Filters?
sorry my English
NethServer Version: 7
Module: Web content filter
i use shallalist for Blacklist does not respond
I see only my custom categories in Filters
why did the categories disappear in Filters?
sorry my English
ATM shallalist domain is down.
Its IP address is ok.
i choice Custom URL
its work fine is up again.
it strange behavior
if i use shallalist and domain is down then webfilter not work?
it bug? no?
why not use previous update blacklist if update not work
sorry my English
The web filter tries to download updates list overnight but the configuration is not applied (see: nethserver-squidguard/root/etc/e-smith/events/actions/nethserver-squidguard-update-custom-list at master · NethServer/nethserver-squidguard · GitHub ).
You can experience problems only if you make changes to the web interface if no shalla category is listed.