Virtual HostNAme (FQDN) not tested in Virtualhosts Panel

I don’t know if it is a feature, or a bug, but hostname (ServerNames property) can be set even if they are not real (FQDN) hostname in the virtualhosts panel.
Of course there are some validators in /usr/share/nethesis/NethServer/Template/VirtualHosts/Modify.php but they don’t work.

My php is a bit rusted :slight_smile:

Sorry but I don’t understand :frowning:

Can you provide an example?

In the virtualhosts panel you ask to set a fqdn domain name and i can write a bad domain name like ‘toto’

Got it, thank you!
It seems that the interface is accepting hostname, not FQDN.

From apache 2.4, even a hostname (not FQDN) should be valid:

This is the relevant part in Web UI:


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