Using Nextcloud with Mariadb 10.3

NethServer Version: 7.9.2009
Module: Nextcloud

Hi - I am having some trouble getting Nextcloud to work with Mariadb 10.3. I have installed MariaDB using the stephdl repository and have phpMyAdmin installed. I can connect to the MariaDB database using phpMyAdmin on port 3313, and the older version on 3303.

I have loaded a copy of the nextcloud database into the mariadb server, added a user and given the user the same password, and let the user connect from %, localhost,, server.domainname.

I changed the configuration as follows:

config show rh-mariadb103-mariadb


If I change the nextcloud configuration file to use and 3313 as the database server host and port, nextcloud still connects to the old database. If I use server.domainname, I get an error in the nextcloud log that says the server is not allowed to connect.

I would like to get nextcloud onto a more recent database - but cannot figure out why I cannot get it to connect correctly. Any help appreciated.

Okilly Dokilly - seems you do not use

'dbport' => '3313';


'dbhost' => '',

I don’t know where I got the first one from :frowning:

yes it is a common error, you are not alone, FYI it is the same if you use localhost:3313, Mariadb understand that you use localhost with linux socket (default version of mariadb)