USB Backup to RDX Tape

I would like to use an 5x RDX tape with 2TB for backup. As it is easiest possible use 5 USB media in backup? You can also wear all the same label, so RDX. How could all RDX media easily be mounted in / media / backup? Could I also via / dev / sde1 mount in backup script?

What about the override of the data?

I would appreciate suggestions.

RDX are treated as USB disks.
You have to format them as per USB disk instructions.

Yes, ext4 an the same Label, but I can not select it in the backup as if he has come after positioning the second RDX Tapes durcheinader.

The problem is apparently the change of RDX tapes, it is recognized by usb mount probably not right. I have an eject installed, which is the medium even ejected in umount-usb script but new read after the change the RDX-Tape that seems to be a problem.

What happens? Please, describe what you see and what you expected. Could you spot anything in the logs?

The problem is that changing the cassette is not recognized, I remove the USB cable it comes.
under linux mint, which is no problem, the change is recognized without problems and appears on the desktop. so it must be something with the capture of USB related items.

there before the backup script that can execute a command? a “devadm trigger” fixes the problem and the backup runs again

I have the following added to the “/sbin/e-smith/backup-data” at the beginning:
system(‘udevadm trigger’);
it works