Upgrade to 7.7 problem

I’ve a 7.6.1810 (final) server up-to-date but no system upgrade button is appeared. If I try to do it manually :
yum clean all
yum update
signal-event software-repos-upgrade

I have a probleme
/etc/yum/vars/nsrelease -> “7.6.1810” becomes /etc/yum/vars/nsrelease -> “7.5.1804” and I get :
" Loaded plugins: changelog, fastestmirror, nethserver_events
Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
Could not retrieve mirrorlist http://mirrorlist.nethserver.org/?release=7&repo=ce-base&arch=x86_64&nsrelease=7.5.1804 error was
14: HTTP Error 404 - Not Found …"

Could you help to get 7.7 version ?
Thanks in advance

/etc/yum/vars/nsrelease → “7.6.1810” becomes /etc/yum/vars/nsrelease → “7.5.1804”

How strange, that would be more of a downgrade.

Check in /var/log/messages whether software-repos-upgrade was successful or not, and push the right version into /etc/yum/vars/nsrelease:

echo '7.7.1908' > /etc/yum/vars/nsrelease

Thank you,

I push the right version into /etc/yum/vars/nsrelease and I did a yum clean all, yum update and I got the update successfully. But I still have the same issue after the command signal-event software-repos-upgrade I get “7.7.1804” in /etc/yum/vars/nsrelease. overwrite by “7.5.1804”.

Do you have a subscription plan?
What’s the outcome of:

config getprop subscription NsRelease
config getprop sysconfig Version

This is what I get with
config getprop subscription NsRelease -> 7.5.1804
config getprop sysconfig Version -> 7.7.1908

I have several nethserver in run and only this one is problematic

With this command the problem should be solved:

config setprop subscription NsRelease 7.7.1908

Thank you,

It’s ok, problem resolved.
