Upgrade failing due to 'Resolving RPM Dependencies - metacache caching issue'

System version - NethServer release 7.5.1804 (final)
Kernel release - 3.10.0-862.14.4.el7.x86_64

Hello Team,

I’m having a major issue upgrading my Nethserver. I’m continuously seeing the following error message:

Resolving RPM dependencies
The install/update may have failed due to metadata caching issues. Please clean the cache by clicking the button below and retry the install/update operation.

I’ve done the following after seeing this message:

  1. I’ve clicked the button on the GUI that says ‘Clear Yum Cache’. I’ve then tried upgrading from Software Center once again the same error occurs.
  2. I’ve from the command line issued ‘yum clean all’. I’ve then tried upgrading from Software Center once again the same error occurs.
  3. From the command line issued ‘yum clean all && yum update’. I selected ‘N’ to not update Nethserver from the command line. I’ve then tried upgrading from Software Center once again the same error occurs.
  4. From the command line I’ve issued the command ‘yum install @nethserver-iso’. I’ve then tried upgrading from Software Center once again the same error occurs.

I’m at the end of what my researching by reading forum posts can give me. Can anyone point me in the right direction here on how I can get past this yum cache error and get my Nethserver updated?

Can I issue a yum update from the command line and let Nethserver update from the command line or is it advisable to only upgrade from Software Center?

Any advice you can provide me would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you.

Did yum update throw any error?

I would say it is safe to update from command line (I’ve been doing it from long time). Main difference relates to locked updates, where some repos are disabled when using Software Center but not from CLI (HowTo update Nethserver correctly via CLI? - #2 by dnutan).


Hi @greavette,

Sometimes, when I want to make updates through Software Center, I have noticed that to avoid this error, I must set “Software updates origin” to “Unlocked (default)”.
After that, I revert to “Locked”.
From CLI, as @dnutan said, the updates are made “unlocked” and of course, are safe.

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Thanks @dnutan for your assistance! I’ve successfully upgraded my Nethserver to the latest and greatest via the command line.

Thank you @GG_jr for your comment. I’ll remember this for next time I have an issue upgrading from the GUI.

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