Update blacklist DNS

Hello everyone, although the update url is correct, is it possible that the DNS blacklists were updated last year? Also I ask you for advice which ones to activate from the list that shows the server. Thank you

Do somebody use ThreadShield and may have a look at it?

What is the URL of the blacklist you are using?

Yes, that repo has been updated one year ago.
The repo is a community-only effort and anyone can contribute to it!

Thanks for the reply, are there other repo or not?

Yes, there is a daily updated repo which Nethesis sells along with the Enterprise product.
I’m not currently aware of any other free repo.

Okay, correct policy. Thanks for the reply .

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Hi France, @dnutan just pushed an update to the community blacklist repo!


Thanks Giacomo, I immediately checked! The blacklist is up to date, also I ask you for a piece of advice on which blacklist I need to focus on. Thank youblack

I do not know, I’m no actively checking this kind of things.
You can study the the upstream sources of the community repo, then select the best one which fits your needs.


There are some lists with errors that should be fixed (some shut off lists and some malformed output). I’ll try to do some cleanup.


Thank you Marc, I’ve merged your PR.
You now also have write access to the repo.
I can share with anyone write/admin/mantainer access, just raise your hands :slight_smile:

Neither do I follow this actively, but there are some global or big unified blacklists like the community.dns (StevenBlack) or the ultimate.dns (Ultimate Hosts Blacklist) that probably cover most of user needs.

If you choose the community.dns hosts list, then no need for adguard, adaway, pgl/yoyo, mvps, abuse_ch, fademind, digitalside, bigdargon/hostsVN.

If ultimate.dns hosts list is chosen, then no need for fademind, disconnectme, anudeepND, bigdargon/hostsVN, quidsup, pgl/yoyo, wally3K.


Thanks for the info