Uninstall packages

It seems it is not possible to uninstall softwarepakages in cockpit.
It is even not documented which packages have to be removed on the CLI.

I want to uninstall Antivirus? How to do this.

Nethserver has an easy point and click install and should also have an easy uninstall.

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You can uninstall from Applications page. Click on the three points on the right and then Remove.

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Otherwise, you can access to the terminal addon into cockpit for manage the bash, allowing to use yum if you need it (without SSH if not needed).
Application page anyway should be the first step for removing modules of Nethserver.


I have the problem too. On all maschines and since Cockpit is the new UI.
If i klick “remove” under Applications/Package/three dots, there comes an Windows which aks: “are youre sure” with a text “Liste” (in german) and a spinning wheel (will not stop after hours). The Button “remove” is gray, only “cancel” is klickable.


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