Turn/stun/signaling server for nextcloud talk

NethServer Version: 7.9.2009

For the talk module in nextcloud there apparently is a need of a turn server, else some clients don’t get an image while screen sharing or video conferencing. I tested attaching my nethserver nextcloud / talk to my private - non nethserver - coturn service and that solved the issues. Thats why I would like to ask how you deal with the missing turn server in order to have clients behind firewalls successfully using nextcloud talk app.

Is this still the correct way to set coturn up, or are there other recomandations, like nextcloud high performance backend? I would like to recommend an official package for coturn as it seems quite useful to have a webconferencing solution that works through wan within nethserver.

I am asking as I hesitate just going with the try and error approach as this is a production nethserver I want to avoid problems. Thus I am asking myself if it would be preferable to install coturn service on another server, for ex. I have a separate debian vm where I have setup piHole on this ProxMox instance that is also running our nethserver carrying nextcloud, mailserver, firewall and so on, so maybe better install it on a separate vm and not on the nethserver?