Installed the qcow2 image of ns8 on proxmox. created a samba domain and then installed nextcloud instance
When I go to I just get the ns8 landing page. If I go to I get “access through untrusted domain”.
The directions tell me to add my domain to config/config.php but linux find cant find any file with that name. What am I doing wrong?
It should work with a subdomain like
instead of
I think it’s not possible to use the network domain
for apps as it points to the cluster-admin.
After installing nextcloud I go to software center–> Installed–>nextcloud instances–>Open app–>open nextcloud which takes me to the nethserver landing app. Has to be a bug right?
Did you set the host name in the Nextcloud app settings to
In the NS8 settings there should be a http route for nextcloud using the host
I set the route to when I set up the instance but it doesn’t work.
Found a typo in my dns routing. Now I get an invalid cert, need to figure out how to get this to work with nginx.
I’ve made progress. I now have a udm-pro providing DHCP, a pihole providing DNS, and nginx proxy manager providing wild card ssl to all my different servers locally and from the internet.
I can access securely as well as, however I am struggling with getting a secure ssl connection to the management interface. I can access it directly with it’s IP address but not securely through nginx.
Clicking on the created link in nginx it opens a browser with my nether server hostname with /cluster-admin/ at the end but I get a 404 error.
Is it possible to add a route in ns8 to get this to work? I’m just trying to get a secure connection to the management interface.
It’s easier and more secure to simply add in a VPN (MrMarkuz made a nice WG Client VPN for use…) and connect securely without any caveats using IP/cluster-admin/…
My 2 cents
I’m just trying to use the management interface on my local network with a lock icon in my browser. The management interface will not be accessible from the internet.
In addition if I go to the mail instance and click on the link to open rspamd it doesn’t open the interface. It tries to open my company website. I tried creating a route to rspamd in ns8 to but that doesn’t work either.
I’m starting to think traefik is the problem. How do you get to the rspamd page?
Locally it works for me with Traefik setting the correct LE SSL (Not always on my first attempts…).
I still have two sites where I have to use the IP internally.
My 2 cents
I just created a dns entry in pihole for pointing to the route I created in ns8 for to I can now reach the rspamd admin page but I get an error when I try to login.
Hi @happnatious1 ,
I am struggling with more or less the same issues.
I see you’ve chosen to let NGINX revproxy do the wild card certificate for you domain.
Can you show the settings regarding SSL/letsencrypt on nethserver for nextcloud? And the forwarding in nginx, is that a stream block? Or http?
nginx uses a cloudflare dns01 challenge for my wild card cert * Nethserver created a route to when I set up the instance.
My conclusion is that some web pages cannot be accessed when using nginx wildcard certs with reverse proxy, they can only be accessed by IP address such as:
With following configuration I could reach cluster-admin via nginx reverse proxy. is the NethServer 8.
The path /cluster-admin
needs to be included when browsing like:
But I wasn’t able to reverse proxy the rspamd UI without missing CSS yet.
Yours is probably working because you have a valid ssl cert on your server. I’m using ssl through nginx so the ns8 server itself doesn’t have a certificate.
I tested it like that.
I used a Letsencrypt cert on nginx but not a wildcard cert. The NS8 has no certificate.
Thank you! Somehow it’s working now. Maybe because I had it set to instead of
Yes, or just set it to the NS8 IP.
The only thing left is trying to get my android phone to add my email account using ssl then my transition from ns7 to ns8 will be complete!