I’m using NethServer as AD, and would like to map network drives to groups during login.
So far, I could only do it by changing the “logonscript = %G.bat” in /etc/smb.conf.
Another thing that bothering me, is that the system insists map the z: drive as home users.
why the changes to /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/samba/smb.conf/10global are not working.
Thanks for all
please tell us how you edit the configuration and exactly what you did, thank you
“it doesn’t work” doesn’t help us to help you
in /etc/e-smith/templates/etc/samba/smb.conf/10global, I changed the “logon script = netlogon.bat” to “logon script =%G.bat”
in /var/lib/nethserver/netlogon, created the test.bat file with the following lines
net use h: / home
net use g: \ad-linux\common_test
in shared folders (Web UI), created the “common_test” folder with permission for the test group.
Thaks for all
NEVER edit the original fragments, N E V E R (is it clear enough? )
create /etc/e-smith/templates-custom/etc/samba/smb.conf/ dir, copy 10global into it and edit accordingly your needs…
that said, did you expand the template and restarted the services?
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my 2c: create a common netlogon file and code it accordingly, i.e. using common windows’ batch file syntax to things on user/group basis
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