Try out NethServer 7 alpha2 ISO!

Bummer! We can’t win :frowning: they request php5 (>= 5.4)

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Hello all, I found some problems in the new version 7.2 during tests, things are not working well.

  1. Module Printers:
    Server not found
    Page cups don’t open

  2. Module SOGo:
    Not send the message when clicked on the send button.

  3. Application Webtop:
    Don’t work with Google Chrome Browser. I guess it’s because Java.

  4. Service webvirtmgr:
    Service enabled, but don’t start.

  5. Module IPS management:
    Task completed with errors
    ’#(exit status)

Someone had these problems?

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I can’t reproduce the problem.
Please paste the output of:

 systemctl status cups
 rpm -q nethserver-cups

Java is only on server-side not client-side. Please check if tomcat is running and if there were any problems during the install phase.

Please, post the relevant part from /var/log/messages or systemctl status webvirtmgr.

I can reproduce this after trying to enable snort. The error is due to pulledpork, give me some time, I will open a bug for this.
Edit: also snort is not started by systemd.

Thanks your help and attention Giacomo.
Follow the output of these problems.

I can’t reproduce the problem.
Please paste the output of:

systemctl status cups
rpm -q nethserver-cups

Java is only on server-side not client-side. Please check if tomcat is
running and if there were any problems during the install phase.

Please, post the relevant part from /var/log/messages or systemctl status webvirtmgr.

Strange, no problems here. Although it seems to be a little bit quirky if the mail-domain=server-domain.
could you try to double klick on the sent button once ?
Does it work if you setup one mail-domain <> server-domain?

Hi Mark, how are you?

Could you please pass me the procedure used to configure your mail server na versão 7.2? Maybe I’m doing something wrong.

I thank you for your help and attention.


I’m just a enthusiast and silently committed to test the mail-server/SOGo

configuration is straight forward:
Email > Domain : CREATE NEW “” > Deliver locally

(At first) the rest can kept to default
more info:


Thank you Mark, I’ll redo the process and test again.

Best regards,

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On second sight, sending mail from sogo web-ui does fail sometimes.
I’ve raised an issue and (within limits of time) am investigating

Its caused by faulty DNS settings:

from mail log:

neth transfer/smtpd[23861]: NOQUEUE: reject: RCPT from localhost[]: 504 5.5.2 <localhost>: Helo command rejected: need fully-qualified hostname;

smtp port 587 requires a good DNS record, So check your DNS settings;
If you use a fake mail domain (eg mail.test) set this as a server alias

Look at your screnshoot, you misspelled “cups”.
Also make sure you can reach the server using the reported server name.
Check also the firewall port is open: iptables -nvL | grep 631

Confirmed: Webvirtmgr doesn't start · Issue #5026 · NethServer/dev · GitHub

Confirmed: Snort doesn't start · Issue #5027 · NethServer/dev · GitHub

Hi Giacomo, how are you?

Thanks a lot for the answers.

The question CUPS. the rules iptables are active. Follow output command iptables -nvL | grep 631

It seems to me CUPS is running well.
Please check the URL used to access the service (you can also try with http://:631).

Can you please try the solution? Make sure webvirtmgr is enabled inside the web interface, then execute:

yum --enablerepo=nethserver-testing update webvirtmgr
signal-event nethserver-webvirtmgr-update

Have you got ntopng installed along with snort?
Edit: if this is your case, see the bug for the fix. Otherwise we need an extract from the log. Thanks! :smile:

Does anyone had the chance to test the fixes for webvirtmgr and snort? @lvicentini

Maybe a little late, but I’ve prepared a vagrant box for NS-7a2 starting from the ISO @davidep and @giacomo prepared.

To use it:

vagrant init syntaxerrormmm/nethserver-7

The box is about 512 MB, so be patient while your system downloads it from HashiCorp servers. I will share a stub for Vagrantfile and provisioning with Ansible as soon as possible.

Hope this will help testing.

Thanks, regards,


Super news! Thanks Emiliano :smile:

I’m sure @edoardo_spadoni will appreciate it!

Sorry @giacomo, I have not yet tested, I’m having trouble setting up a mail server with dynamic dns.

4 posts were merged into an existing topic: Trouble setting up a mail server with dynamic dns

A post was merged into an existing topic: Trouble setting up a mail server with dynamic dns

2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Trouble setting up a mail server with dynamic dns