Traccar installation issue!

NethServer Version: latest

Tried to install Traccar. Traccar ( is a modern open source GPS tracking Platform.

### HowTo install Traccar on Nethserver 7 ###

Traccar ( is a modern GPS tracking Platform.

# wget the software-archive
wget -c

# Install unzip and extract the archive
yum -y install unzip && unzip

# run 

# Now a symlink should be created
# /etc/systemd/system/ to /etc/systemd/system/traccar.service.

# Remove the archive
rm -rf

# Open and adjust the firewall
config set traccar service status enabled TCPPort 8082 access green
signal-event firewall-adjust

# Reboot your server

# Login

user: admin
pass: admin

I can access the traccar serverpage (http://nethserverip:8082/) but the client (android) cannot connect… Is someone using Traccar on Nethserver?

Something in me triggers the port 8082… wasn’t it onlyoffice that also uses this port?

Onlyoffice is not installed on this server…

Was installed as systemd service?

Sorry Folks, this was a client issue. I had to optimise the gps-config on the smartphone…

The HowTo should work :grinning:.