To change the logo in NethSecurity

How to Change the logo in Nethsecurity then i want to built a x86 .img
Can any Help Me!!

Hi and welcome to NethServer Community,

the logo is stored in /www-ns/logo_dark.svg.
For building check out the developer docs: Build system | NethSecurity

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Sir I’ll Tell You Step By Step i

  1. git clone GitHub - NethServer/nethsecurity: NethSecurity image and build environment
  2. cd Nethsecurity
  3. ls
  4. Package/ns-ui/ this path have Script Makefile The have download The logos In Ocean platform i Can’t change i’ll Search that www-ns file didn’t exist how can I change this
  5. Just I’ll rum this cmd
  6. Then ./run
  7. ./run bash
  8. Then I’ll goto Openwrt
  9. Then i will Make Cmd
  10. They build a nethsecurity.img
  11. After build i’ll show the all logo in openwrt file location statging_dir www-ns
  12. www-ns file Makefile script run then he file Come after build the .img file

i have change the logo from /www-ns/logo_dark.svg this location and build it, still changes are not reflecting

Did you put the custom logo file(s) to files/www-ns/ as explained here: Build system | NethSecurity
I think you may need to create the directory www-ns.

Sir Where I can Create This www-ns file ?? And how can i build ??

I think something went wrong with your screenshot…
To me it seems that you can add it as custom file as explained in the developer documentation.

I didn’t build an image yet.
I’m going to test it if I find time…

Sir Please Check this and Tell me Ho can I Change This logo. I’ll check the Script file in Packages/ns-us/ file Makefile This script run the pkg source https://digitalocean/d

hello Sir Can You Check this problem please tell me how can i’ll change the logos by building process of Nethsecurity ??