Threat Shield update IP blacklist


I have these problem with the update black list


cockpit-bridge: [ERROR] Can’t update blacklist repository: fetch failed
Aug 18 11:33:56 semedic cockpit-bridge: [ERROR] Can’t update blacklist repository: fetch failed
Aug 18 11:33:57 semedic cockpit-bridge: [ERROR] Can’t update blacklist repository: fetch failed
Aug 18 11:33:58 semedic cockpit-bridge: [ERROR] Can’t update blacklist repository: fetch failed

You could check if the github IP is blackisted as in this case:

You can test the download with:

/usr/share/nethserver-blacklist/download ipsets --debug

Or get rid of /usr/share/nethserver-blacklist/ipsets/ directory if it keeps failing.


[root@semedic ~]# echo ‘{“status”:“enabled”,“Url”:“",“Whitelist”:[],“Categories”:["dshield_top_1000”]}’ | /usr/bin/setsid /usr/bin/sudo /usr/libexec/nethserver/api/nethserver-blacklist/ipsets/update | jq
“steps”: 4,
“pid”: 6188,
“args”: “ipsets”,
“event”: “nethserver-blacklist-save”
“step”: 1,
“pid”: 6188,
“action”: “S05generic_template_expand”,
“event”: “nethserver-blacklist-save”,
“state”: “running”
“progress”: “0.25”,
“time”: “0.072592”,
“exit”: 0,
“event”: “nethserver-blacklist-save”,
“state”: “done”,
“step”: 1,
“pid”: 6188,
“action”: “S05generic_template_expand”
“step”: 2,
“pid”: 6188,
“action”: “S20nethserver-blacklist-conf”,
“event”: “nethserver-blacklist-save”,
“state”: “running”
“progress”: “0.50”,
“time”: “0.105984”,
“exit”: 256,
“event”: “nethserver-blacklist-save”,
“state”: “done”,
“step”: 2,
“pid”: 6188,
“action”: “S20nethserver-blacklist-conf”
“step”: 3,
“pid”: 6188,
“action”: “S30firewall-adjust”,
“event”: “nethserver-blacklist-save”,
“state”: “running”
“progress”: “0.75”,
“time”: “91.994304”,
“exit”: 0,
“event”: “nethserver-blacklist-save”,
“state”: “done”,
“step”: 3,
“pid”: 6188,
“action”: “S30firewall-adjust”
“step”: 4,
“pid”: 6188,
“action”: “S90adjust-services”,
“event”: “nethserver-blacklist-save”,
“state”: “running”
“progress”: “1.00”,
“time”: “0.292931”,
“exit”: 0,
“event”: “nethserver-blacklist-save”,
“state”: “done”,
“step”: 4,
“pid”: 6188,
“action”: “S90adjust-services”
“pid”: 6188,
“status”: “failed”,
“event”: “nethserver-blacklist-save”
“id”: “1629332232”,
“type”: “EventFailed”,
“message”: “See /var/log/messages” is and is in firehol_level3

So you can disable the firehol_level3 blacklist and try again after saving the changes.