This post is for lurkers only!

I’m a long time lurker, because I’m busy with many projects. But at last, this week I got a new proxmox server, I will install nethserver. Currently I’m reading a lot of documentation from both projects (nethserver/proxmox/zfs).

I have a lot of questions related with nethserver:
AD, mail, nextcloud, internet shared + filtering by users groups.
I want to replace a very old Domain Controller, so our users can authenticate in the domain.

I wonder if using nextcloud can help to “tame” our users wild behavior in the file sharing area (using quotas).

A question related:
Can I have one NS as a VN on proxmox for use as Domain Controller + nextcloud.
And use one or two more physical servers (bare metal) to:
#2 Mail server for our users (so the space in the VM is not used)
#3 Internet sharing and filtering
Then I can have 3 NS separated, and less prone to "hack"
Can the last two authenticate the users with the first one?

Sorry for the long post, but if I don’t write right now, I can forget some of this in five minutes.