The community wiki now can handle diagrams


The community wiki now has diagram possibilities based on

So if you need to show a diagram for your topic of interest on the forums, you can simply create one (via media manager) on the wiki and share it. Others can then edit the diagram too if they have a wiki account.

Here is a very simplistic example



Wonderful! is a really powerful tool for diagrams.

Where will be stored the user-created diagrams from the community?
Which license will be applied on all the user-created content?

All wiki contents and uploads to the wiki are stored on the wiki server hosted by Nethsesis.

All wiki content, current and new, have the GNU Free Documentation License version 1.3

This is also stated on the footer of the wiki:

And licenses and ownership can not change overnight.

However, your questions touch another point where it comes to ownership, hosting, steering and descision processes of the wiki, for there is not an legal entity attached to other the ownership of the domain name and the cookie policy. The .org part implies that it is community driven, but it is not, and also being commercially used for e.g. pricing of NethServer and NethSecurity wich are products of Nethsesis.

Also the and “The project” (not clearly defined) have other licenses:




Thanks very much for taking your time to answer to my question

The .org ending does NOT imply a community.
It is simply short for Organization. It IS often used for Open Source Stuff, but not necessarily as a community.

My 2 cents

Likewise for your constructive input!

You are barking up the wrong tree. Please study all possible meanings of the word and usage of ‘imply’ very carefully, and maybe you learn something.

But thanks for your never ending attention to very essential details and hijacking posts just to make it to the top 3 leaderboard! You made it again, congrats and have a great weekend!

I am just refering to your not quite correct statement you pasted

Yep, the project is community-driven but Nethesis owns the project, site, ecc
 More info here :point_down:

Obviously in compliance with the GPLv3 and Creative Commons licenses that are in effect for all forum and wiki content, so that content can not be ‘owned’, neither copyrighted.

That also is the objective for some of us based off of NethServer hence the recognition for e.g. community devs and links to their respective sponsor pages.

But most importantly Thank you! Nethesis for fostering SME offspring and nursing it to become NS8 today!


I have already tried and I’m open to suggestions

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Let’s think about this, how we can gain more devs and retain the current ones with an attractive (marketing) plan that generates (financial) sponorship. You must have some idea’s from your partnership programms.

IMVHO community should not be involved into sales/marketing/communications.
Community cannot take decisions, currently.

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Agree, I am referring to their own marketing as a dev that is looking for sponsors. Not the sales and marketing of Nethesis. They have their own team.

Crappy sentence. How do we support current and future devs!