Thank you, NS8!

I want to thank everyone for their help and express my appreciation for the work done transforming Nethserver into a containerized application platform.

I see a lot of people asking questions and trying to wrap their heads around containers and NS8 – keep asking and keep learning. I have been using containers for years – learning is worth it. Containers not only help sysadmins administer, deploy and scale applications, they also help developers develop them. If we don’t let Nethserver shift into this new paradigm, then we risk losing people who may want to develop the project. It is difficult to attract new people to work on old tech. Modernization is critical for the long term health of the project – a project in a space that needs an open source option.

We are now running NS8 in production at our 3 person non-technology related business. I migrated manually from NS7, reorganizing things like group policy in the process. We are running Samba AD, Nextcloud, Collabora, Mail, and CrowdSec. I have an existing VM that continues to host the other containerized apps that we use.

I would like to see the backup functionality expanded to support SFTP. I would also like to be able to modify Collabora’s configuration file to specify remote fonts and spell checking.

Thank you again to the community. I just wanted to let everyone know that yes, NS8 is in production.


A big thank you…a real pleasure to read this :slight_smile:


HEllo Peter, glad you are loving ns8

Thanks man I appreciate it.
Can you tell us more about your experience with containers? What tools have you used? How is NethServer better compared to what you’ve found elsewhere?

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