Test ownCloud 8/9 with nethserver-fail2ban

Continuing the discussion from Owncloud Upgrade to 9:

not yet but it can be done, it could be interesting to test OC8 with nethserver-fail2ban

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When it is ready i will try! :wink:

Firstable i would try with the existent rpm on ns6…so take a look to module:fail2ban [NethServer Wiki]

already testing it on my NS6 server :wink:

P.s. the owncloud ban problem is related to the app…and occurs only on owncloud 7, wich is end of life…no need to correct this IMO…(just remove owncloud from fail2ban on NS6)

Ok, maybe rather to remove the owncloud jail on ns6, i will disabled it by default.
But just to be sure you have installed the nethserver-fail2ban rpm on ns7 and the owncloud jail works with owncloud9 ?

Sorry if i make you repeat your answer.

sorry for my english!! :smiley:

it seems that there aren’t failed login attemps during the app use on owncloud 8 -9…

No i haven’t tryed the owncloud jails from ns6 on owncloud8/9 in ns7 :worried:

Please do it if you can…

seems that owncloud doesn’t log by default the failed login attemps in /var/www/html/owncloud/data/owncloud.log…but accordingly to the owncloud forum seems that the logging system doesn’t change from oc8 to oc9…
