Systemctl and "vendor preset: disabled"

Hi all,

I am updating some documentation on Mattermost and if I vérifiy the status with systemctl status mattermost, I always get in one of the first lines “vendor preset: disabled”.

I googled around and found:

If you see a Vendor preset: Disabled, it means when the service first installs it will be disabled on start up and will have to be manually started. If you want the service to start up automatically with boot up, all it takes is to change it’s start up setting with systemctl enable <service> , example: systemctl enable httpd .

A detailed explanation can be found at RHEL systemctl documentation or systemctl man page itself

The first link gives 404.
In the second one about systemctl man page, there is a “vendor preset: enabled”, but with no explanation about it.

Even in Red Hat documentation,

there is also a “vendor preset: enabled” but with no explanation.

I already did:

systemctl enable mattermost

The link for the automatic startup at boot time was created, but the “vendor preset: disabled” is still there.

Someone have an explanation ?



Salut Michel-André

It’s probably hard-coded into the systemctl config file, to inform users that it’s standard is NOT activated - and needs to be enabled…
You can search for that string and remove it…

I’ve seen similiar before, usually when the applications / services are considered “heavy”…

My 2 cents

Salu Andy,

Thank you for the fast response.

I cannot find the systemctl config file :frowning:


Try here:


The last two rntries here are for PGSQL optimization (Zabbix).

Salut encore Andy,

This “parameter” is enabled on certain services:

# systemctl status sshd
● sshd.service - OpenSSH server daemon
   Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/sshd.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)

And disabled on other:

# systemctl status httpd
● httpd.service - The Apache HTTP Server
   Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/httpd.service; enabled; vendor preset: disabled)

I do not know what is the relation.


I suppose this depends on the creators opinion if this service should be per standard enabled.
For SSH I would agree, else you don’t install ssh. If installed, the standard config will work with SSH.

Apache should be configured first, before the first start, that’s probably the reason they say not default start…

The “creators” just want to make sure you “know” what you’re doing… :slight_smile:

My 2 cents

# systemctl list-unit-files | egrep 'httpd|sshd|mattermost'
httpd-admin-reload.service                    static
httpd-admin.service                           enabled
httpd.service                                 enabled  <--------------
mattermost.service                            enabled  <--------------
sshd-keygen.service                           static
sshd.service                                  enabled  <--------------
sshd@.service                                 static
sshd.socket                                   disabled
httpd-admin-reload.timer                      static

It becomes abstruse


Well, that displays the current status of those services in regard to systemctl.
And I did read above that you manually “enabled” the mattermost service, and apache & ssh are enabled by default on NethServer, AFAIK.

It does NOT display what the “vendor preset” status is, but the current status.

Apples & Pears…

Besides, if the mattermost service survives a server reboot and start’s up correctly, all’s correct!

My 2 cents

Interesting link:


Very informative link!


My conclusion:

IANAP, but I think that there is a preset=disabled line in a file somewhere in the installation script that install Mattermost.

● That line means that the vendor (developper) didn’t want Mattermost to start at bootup if it was not enable by systemctl enable mattermost. (Reasonable if not configured yet.)

● In the status line, “vendor preset: disabled”, means exactly the same thing.

● The line…

mattermost.service                            enabled  <--------------

… is set by systemctl enable mattermost.

Correct me if I’m wrong, but I don’t see any other explanation…



Your assumptions are correct!

Software, as Hardware, are created usually by humans.
When dealing with humans, one has to remind oneself that the plethora of different opinions, knowhow levels and humor levels can contain a considerable bandwidth…

I recall the first time I manually updated a Thunderbird on BSD (OpenBSD)…
Reading the screen showed:
“Cleaning bird cage”…

-> That made laugh hard, made my day! :slight_smile:

True enough, in Firefox it was “cleaning fox den”…

Some programmers are only allowed an “easter egg”, MS is well known for that…


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I put the post as resolved…

As always, thank you for your support


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