Swift_TransportException: Expected response code 354 but got code "554"

NethServer Version: 7.9
Module: Nextcloud 25.02

Hello, within the Nextcloud log I found two related errors:

Swift_TransportException: Expected response code 354 but got code "554", with message "554 5.5.1 Error: no valid recipients"

Failed sending activity email to user '7032DCF8-E454-4842-B7E9-DE5D08EBB661'.

It seems that some Nexcloud process wants to send a mail to a non-existent user.

Because in my Nextcloud user list there is no user with this ID.

How can I find out which process is trying to send a mail to this user. Somewhere this must be defined.

The problem occurs only with NC 25.x. I did not make any administrative or other changes to the system. The system runs since 2 years (?) practically unchanged.

Best regards, Marko

Maybe there’s an old/disabled user? Did you check the user list by using occ on command line?

occ user:list

Delete the old user by UID:

occ user:delete <UID>

It’s an activity notification that’s enabled in the Nextcloud settings:


Possibly related:

queued messages might be in activity_mq table.


I did it: no matching result

It’s an activity notification that’s enabled in the Nextcloud settings:

I didn’t mean who creates the log entry, but who or what tries to send the mail to the non-existent user.

Thank you, Markus

The error should also happen when sending the test email from index.php/settings/admin right?

… no, there is no correlation. And I didn’t delete LDAP-Users

Related to this issue: Unlimited mail send retries with non-existent / deleted mail address · Issue #538 · nextcloud/activity · GitHub
I only have a lot of mail log entries like
Error: /var/lib/nethserver/vmail/user_surname@domain.de/Maildir/public/dovecot.index.pvt reset, view is now inconsistent

Maybe there are remnants that aren’t shown in the user list?


YES! You are the greatest.

Thank you.