Subscription Status Update

The Crostino plan (48 EUR/yr) idea was born during the last Community Conference: a paid access to YUM repositories where it’s reasonably safe to switch on automatic updates because someone manages infrastructure and repository contents for you. IT geeks can have fun and do it by themselves :wink:

As a devvelopper I don’t like this approach. The more branches, the more bugs. Also support people know it well!

There are only little differences between Community and Subscription (required by the different YUM repo configuration). Where did we hit a Bug? In those differences! :unamused: SOGO (and AD LDAP clients) not working after upgrade

As a devvelopper I’d prefer a completely Open Source product, where additional services are sold apart. Less lines of code, less bugs, less test-cases, less support loads.

I think that an expired subscription simply does not get updated any more. It is documented here: