Stuck with newest core-update

Newest core-update stops at 16%, after server-restart:

{“code”:404,“data”:null,“message”:“API not found”}

Could not login als admin anymore, no website.

Many thanks for your help.

Just updated 2 servers with no problems. How do you know it is stuck at 16%?

Why would you do that whilst it is upgrading?

When and where do you see this?


Maybe @savetec actually used an old-school screen and keyboard…
Some people actually sit in front of their servers while doing maintenence.


My 2 cents

Yep, hence my questions to find out.

Simply by those questions, you’ve outed yourself as very “Out of touch with reality”, maybe getting a local box for testing would help YOU personally learn how a system works!

Then you would also be able to help people having issues with their IT systems.


You are right in that this specific user does not provide much info.
As the problem is with the core, at least the underlying OS must be stated, also running on what hardware - real or virtual.
It is a BIG difference if updating NS8 pre releases or the released version. No Info doesn’t help here!
No screenshot (in english!), so no real verbatim (“log”) of the error.
On your own hardware, you can also see boot messages from a VM, not possible in a VPS.

What this user provides is about on the same level as a user stating:

“The Internet is down” instead of my router is not working!

My 2 cents

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Tried to reproduce the problem and although didn’t end up with same exact result it ended with core update stuck.

How? Started core update and killed it (vm off) at a random update percentage (18%, as it didn’t get stuck by itself at 16%).
After restart, could login to cluster-admin but update notification stuck at 10%.

On the screenshot the notification is duplicated as I tried to force the core update using api-cli, but stays there for “hours”.

All of that done disregarding the known issues from release notes (although maybe is not the same issue):

Known issues:

  • Core upgrade freezes Software Center page – The bug 6778 has been fixed in core version 2.2.6. If the upgrade from RC1 starts from core version 2.2.5 or lower, when the task progress bar freezes reload the web page with CTRL + SHIFT + R or an equivalent procedure. The page reload has no impact with the underlying upgrade. Note: the upgrade download may be slow; avoid interrupting or rebooting until completion.

I saw an issue that was being worked on in the github issues regarding force resume and or cancel stuck update processes. I think it’s been done. Am not sure of its dev released yet, you could try enabling the testing branch on core

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I try to update from CLI

api-cli run update-core --data ‘{“core_url”:“","nodes”:[2]}’
Warning: using user “cluster” credentials from the environment
_acontrol_task request attempt failed (Connection closed by server.). Retrying…
_acontrol_task request recovered successfully at attempt 2
_acontrol_task request attempt failed (Connection closed by server.). Retrying…
_acontrol_task request recovered successfully at attempt 2
<7>run-scriptdir /var/lib/nethserver/cluster/update-core-pre-modules.d/
Running /var/lib/nethserver/cluster/update-core-pre-modules.d/50update_grants…
<7>run-scriptdir /var/lib/nethserver/cluster/update-core-post-modules.d/

how much time did it take to get some progress?
If that comes the api-cli run update-core command, then the update is at second stage’s last step. Did it failed/succeed or still running?

Now I get:

api-cli run update-core --data ‘{“core_url”:“","nodes”:[2]}’
Warning: using user “cluster” credentials from the environment
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/usr/local/bin/api-cli”, line 246, in
exit_code = command(args)
File “/usr/local/bin/api-cli”, line 122, in run_command
data = json.loads(
File “/usr/lib64/python3.11/json/”, line 346, in loads
return _default_decoder.decode(s)
File “/usr/lib64/python3.11/json/”, line 337, in decode
obj, end = self.raw_decode(s, idx=_w(s, 0).end())
File “/usr/lib64/python3.11/json/”, line 355, in raw_decode
raise JSONDecodeError(“Expecting value”, s, err.value) from None
json.decoder.JSONDecodeError: Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0)

For sure, this error is caused by a bad char (e.g. ` or “) in cut-paste :slight_smile:

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I have run into same problem - cluster-admin returns
{“code”:404,“data”:null,“message”:“API not found”}
Same as curl
Whats interesting, all api-cli commands are running fine, i even force updated that node, and it went through successfully, but api still returns 404
All other components running on that node, like nextcloud, sogo and others are ok. Just admin interface is broken.

Try reading this saga.


Thanx alot, fixing permissions helped. I wonder how did that update crippled them and shouldnt devs add some permission check to avoid such situations. Because it was close to impossible find out cause from syslog messages.

And one more leftover “artifact” - logs are not show from web interface. In Cluster status log widget is in loading animation state forever. And System logs section lets you choose whatever filters you want, but search button stays greyed out.

When you encounter bad permissions next time, follow these steps:

  1. Use the stat command to check and note the Change timestamp of the affected files or directories.

  2. Investigate the system journal to understand what was happening around that time. For instance, you can use:

    journalctl -S ...
  3. Before altering any file or directory permissions, compare them with those on a functioning node.

Sharing these details can help diagnose the root cause of the issue more effectively.

If you look at the ones I pointed out in my thread that I referenced, they’re all effectively under root, and not a node, so there’s nothing to compare them against without a list of what what updated.
