I’ve installed a fresh Nethserver on a minimal CentOS installation…
In the Netserver software Center, I’ve installed only the gateway and firewall components…
The service C-icap installed is stopped… That’s mean, it`s not used.
With yum, I have seen that it was installed by the package nethserver-c-icap and remove it.
Now the module Web Content Filter appear in the “available” in the Software Center, no more in the "installed"
But, fortunaly, the web content filter still in the left menu and continue to have advertisment free web pages…
The package manager works only on group of packages.
A group of packages include a list of nethserver- packages.
When you asks the system to remove a group, the server will remove only nethserver- packages, thus the binaries are still installed.
Event the ports on the firewall are still open.
If you wish to close down the server (this is not really necessary):
Thank you @Giacomo to help me understand the way the software center and yum interact together…
Let me ask 3 questions:
1- There`s a way to remove a package that was installed by another packag dependency without yum remove all?
If I want to remove nethserver-lang-it with yum erase nethserver-lang-it
yum propose to remove netserver-lang-it and nethserver-http-admin…
there`s a way to remove nethserver-lang-it without remove nethserver-http-admin ?
In Gentoo and Debian, with the overlays, there a way to “pinned” a package. This way a package can’t be remove or can be use a very specific version of this package.
There`s a similar way to do this with RH/Centos or not?
2- In the other way, by the software center. Why the two commads config delete and signal-event firewall-adjust are not automatically executed when a package group is removed?
If I’m well understand, actually to remove the Nethserver-lang-it, I must remove and reinstall nethserver-http-admin !!!
And what about the config files?
I understand now what’s occur with the web content filter.
When I remove the nethserver-c-icap… yum remove the nethserver-squidclamav package…
I will try to reinstall this nethserver-squidclamav separately
Edit: nope.
When I want to reinstall nethserver-squidclamav yum want to reinstall nethserver-c-icap
For exemple, I see in /etc the directory X11, and it`s little disturbing because I’ve made a minimal CentOS install and the Nethserver install… No desktop environment installation.
I simply ask me: Why this x11 doing here?
I’ve seen wireless-tools too… why is here?
I’m only try to understand why and how these packages are present in the system.