Stand alone tool for data gathering

So I would like some help by means of remote access. I installed everything fine, but when accessing the test site with formtools I get a blank page. The logs do not tell me much (other then half the world would like to hack the server)

Any takers to have a quick look pls? Ping me in a pm. Thanks!

How to quickly create an ‘ibay’ called myapp, activate PHP SCL and extra modules? I now have drped my files in /var/www/html manually but I think best is in an ibay.


Thanks :slight_smile:



Best would be to use a vhost - create that from the old server manager to get a nice name, the new Cockpit can also be used, gives you a “random” directory name.

You can set PHP-SCL options there.

My 2 cents

Ok, here’s a jice candidate I believe They have a open source community edition (nice).

However it requires Java and Tomcat. Lurking these forums I found:

yum install nethserver-tomcat tomcat8 java-1.8.0-openjdk

which installs fine, but other then that I have no clue what to do other then creating a vhost and putting the CE edition in there. Nothing happens :slight_smile:

Any Java ‘guru’ want to assist in getting this up and running on a vhost please?


Is there a reason why this is not possible in the new cockpit?



I can only repeat what I’ve heard… The reason is security. A random folder name makes it really hard for hackers to guess the structure.
But it also makes life difficult for those who maintain the server. A “speaking” names tells enough, but add in additional lookup tables to find out which folder is used for which website… :frowning:

So it’s a compromise, use whatever you feel comfortable with - there are good reasons for both ways…

My 2 cents


Any takers on getting installed properly. Learning it is another learning curve :slight_smile:

In this case no vhost is needed, only tomcat8. I followed the quick setup.
I can browse http://nethserver:8080/orbeon/ but I can’t create a form or save it without errors. To be continued…

Create a service in web UI with port 8080:


yum -y install wget unzip tomcat8 nethserver-mysql mysql-connector-java
mkdir /opt/tomcat8/webapps/orbeon
unzip orbeon-2020.1.2.202103050030-CE/orbeon.war -d /opt/tomcat8/webapps/orbeon
chown -R tomcat:tomcat /opt/tomcat8/webapps/orbeon
systemctl enable tomcat8 --now

Create mysql database:

Link mysql-connector to tomcat8:

ln -s /usr/share/java/mysql-connector-java.jar /opt/tomcat8/lib/

Add the following to the <Host> context, line 167, in /opt/tomcat8/conf/server.xml

<Context path="/orbeon" docBase="/opt/tomcat8/webapps/orbeon" reloadable="false" override="true" allowLinking="true">
                <Resource name="jdbc/mysql" driverClassName="com.mysql.jdbc.Driver" auth="Container" type="javax.sql.DataSource" initialSize="3" maxActive="10" maxIdle="10" maxWait="30000" poolPreparedStatements="true" testOnBorrow="true" validationQuery="select 1" username="orbeon" password="SECRET" url="jdbc:mysql://localhost:3313/orbeon?useUnicode=true&amp;characterEncoding=UTF8">

Restart the tomcat8 server:

systemctl restart tomcat8


Thanks so much @mrmarkuz!! I followed it to the letter, but when accessing the URL, I get a time out. The logs (messages, httpd or tomcat) don;t tell me anything.

It could well be my mistake, so I will revert back to a new clean machine and try again.

I hope we can make this work! Thanks again!

I believe an unzip of downloaded orbeon command line is required between mkdir command line and unzip command line?

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Nope, same deal. Time out when accessing http(s)://nethservername:8080/orbeon

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I’ll check again and report…

You’re right, I corrected my post.

Did you try to disable the firewall to check if that’s the issue?

shorewall clear


I followed the notes and the orbeon home page should be reachable via HTTP:

Did you try with another browser (maybe a force https addon or cache issue?)

Can you reach http://nethserver:8080, maybe tomcat is down?

systemctl status tomcat8

Perfect! that did the trick!

Hm, the port seems still closed.

Following service entry in the UI should open it:

Maybe you want to connect from WAN so you need to add the red role too.

I wonder where the DB credentials should be used. Within Orbeon, when creating a form, the error “An error occurred while reading form metadata.” may be an indication that the form metadata can not be stored in the DB?

This is what I have now and seems to be working:

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The credentials are defined in the <Resource> in /opt/tomcat8/conf/server.xml:

username="orbeon" password="SECRET"

When you try to save a form you get an error too.
I need to check, maybe we need to fill the db manually first.


Seems so

" Database setup : You setup the database and create a schema with a few tables"

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Oh, mysql 5.7 and higher is supported so we need a newer mariadb.