For a few days the Squid service has begun to stop for no apparent reason, which did not happen before, I leave you some captures that I have taken at the moment I cut to see if it helps you to determine where the problem is going.
That custom templeate did not quite understand it, putting that in the terminal should be reconfigured alone those parameters or I have to manually modify the squid.conf file
Bear in mind that technically as I have been able to read that crash, it is because the Squid is not able to process all the requests and this computing capacity as I have been able to understand is determined by those parameters.
vi /etc/e-smith/templates-custom/etc/squid/squid.conf/20acl_10_auth_custom
use esmith::NetworksDB;
use NethServer::SSSD;
my $ndb = esmith::NetworksDB->open_ro();
my $green_mode = $squid{'GreenMode'} || "manual";
my $blue_mode = $squid{'BlueMode'} || "manual";
my $sssd = new NethServer::SSSD();
if ($green_mode eq 'authenticated' || (defined($ndb->blue()) && $blue_mode eq 'authenticated')) {
$OUT .= "# Custom Authentication Parameters\n";
if ($sssd->isAD()) {
$OUT .= "auth_param negotiate children 20\n";
signal-event nethserver-squid-update
This will create a duplicate entry for auth_param negotiate children xx. If squid takes the last one then it will be effectively overwriting the default with the custom one.
For the number of children helpers there was some recommendation on squid manual. Let me check.
The parameter auth_param basic credentialsttl 1 hours by default is technically 2 hours
I understand that Nethserver uses templates for the subject of future updates, right? If I modify the file /etc/squid/squid.conf it would work now but would the changes be lost with the updates?
I do not quite understand you, sorry but it is a server in production and I do not want to mess it up
I edit:
vi /etc/e-smith/templates-custom/etc/squid/squid.conf/21acl_10_auth_custom
and I execute:
signal-event nethserver-squid-update
It is not necessary to restart the Squid service or anything else? Does that automatically modify the parameters and apply them in the /etc/squid/squid.conf?
Sorry to be so heavy dnutan and thank you so much for the help!
With the filename change? No, it’s the same. You can keep it as is (no change), or just rename 21_acl_10_auth_custom to 20_acl_10_auth_custom and execute expand-template /etc/squid/squid.conf
Final result will be practically the same.