Only if employers use NethCTI: they’ll just login on their CTI wherever thy are and use the CTI webphone. We have some customers that use it in call centers
Can a user have multiple devices/softphones (same extention) and multiple extension
Yes, under the hood the extension number is different (for instance, user has 200 as main extension, 91200 as second, 92200 as third…). But this is transparent for the user, when his main extension is called, all devices rings and when he make a call it appears as coming from his main extension
Can there be temp or guest extantions for non NS8 users
No. You can create extension manually from FreePBX interface (you can reach it from Admin → Advanced) but it’s not recomanded
Are there templates for generic SIP devices
On provisioning? No, every brand is very different. But provisioning manager, Tancredi, is also OpenSource and you can create template for your favourite brand/model. We had some PR in the past
How to add VoIP providers, non of the listed are applicable to me and maybe others, there are zillions out there.
You have to find out working settings, then make a pull request here and here
It is time intensive, usually we get paid from providers to be certified and added
Ok, clear, next tothis suggestion, I would like a generic SIP device with only the main parameters required, no fancy button etc, simpy SIP Server, secret, proxy etc, the basics
Thanks for the swift repsonses!
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(Alessio Fattorini)
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Multiple LE certificates for NethVoice and NethVoice proxy
I noticed that the NethVoice FQDN I defined, the CTI FQDN and the proxy domain have lead to multiple equal LE certificates up to 5 fo the same LE certificates for the NethVoice FQDN. How should I troubeshoot this pls?
For now, I simply selected one of the providers from the dropdown list (voipvoice sip) and filled out bogus info and saved.
Then I proceeded to FreePBX (Admin → Advanced → Connectivity → Trunks)
and select the listed bogus trunk for editing and filled out all the details with the info from my local provider. That worked for me (registered and can receive calls), but a generic SIP provider empty template as a dropdown list option would be much nicer.
ps. When trying to add the trunk via FreePBX, and thus skipping NethVoice GUI, will lead to a partially saved truk in NethVoice that can not be edited, nor saved. So hence first a bogus trunk via NethVoice and then correcting it in FreePBX is the only way to add a SIP trunk from a provider not listed.
Trying to duplicate a trunk in FreePBX created via the above workaround will result in the same partially saved duplicate trunk that will fail. So creating a new trunk as described above is the only way to get a duplicate.
@Stll0 Is it correct that a commercial license is required for reporting, even for the most simple CDR’s? Is there a billing module or a way to set the account code to the CDR’s and export?
Flex Offices are very common (and sometimes mandatory by law) where a company has flexibel desks with phone in a building, several building across different (global) locations. No worker has the same spot any day when in the office. So they walk up to a random desk and login to the hardware phone provided on the desk by dialling the hotdesk extension and enter their PIN number log on (or log off, log on auto disconnect previous logged on user). Then that hardware phone becomes their extension with all buttons, voicemail, bells and whistles as programmed before on another phone (roaming profile).
I can see all the technology is already in NethVoice/CTI, just not as a Hotdesk function with PIN available to all devices without computer or app, just the phone itself.
Group names can not be modified, only deleted. Changing a groups name with many users is a huge hassle that way.
A user can not be part of multiple groups where most workers have multiple roles.
A user can be part of multiple groups. Multiple groups can be selected from the dropdown list under the user settings.
Can custom devices have a more meaningful (free text field) name then just ‘Custom’ because one can add multiple custom devices and being able to name them would greatly enhance a clear overview, especially when selecting main device. Since the pre-number ‘92’ to the extension for all linked devices, but are never rarely visable to the user (‘under the hood’) it would make sense to be able to name a custom device.
Btw, in NethVoice linked devices are called Custom for every new linked device, in CTI every linked device get’s the client user agent’s name, so not consistent and confusing.
e.g. NethVoice and CTI listings, very confusing and the number of devices are different. One can not tell which phone/device is which.
So we have an extension number, a generic IP Phone label and a user agent name only for logged on clients. If not logged on no user agent naming is shown.
Configurable pre-pending digits to (additional) device extension
Please allow for the admin to set the prepending/leading numbers for the additional user extensions. I believe it is now fixed to 91 through 96. This can interfere with dial plans, especially in case of multiple locations, custom context, etc. Making the leading number configurable opens up a lot more flexibility in the dial plan. For example using a leading number as ‘91’ where the emergency number in a large part of the world can be 911 may lead to chaos and really unwanted results when (bad)dial patterns come into play.
The default outbound routes (4 routes) have dial patterns. What are these default dial patterns based on please, for I do not recognise a few of them. Is it out of the box from an Italian/UK usage point of view depending on language setting?