NethServer Version: 7.9.2009 Crustino Subscription
Module: Nextcloud
today I saw new updates to nethserver available and installed them via cockpit:
nethserver-fail2ban.noarch 1.7.1-1.ns7
nethserver-mail-common.noarch 2.30.1-1.ns7
nethserver-mail-filter.noarch 2.30.1-1.ns7
nethserver-mail-ipaccess.noarch 2.30.1-1.ns7
nethserver-mail-server.noarch 2.30.1-1.ns7
nethserver-mail-smarthost.noarch 2.30.1-1.ns7
nethserver-netdata.noarch 2.0.2-1.ns7
nethserver-nextcloud.noarch 1.17.0-1.ns7
nethserver-unbound.noarch 1.1.1-1.ns7
The update process hung at “installing mariadb-nextcloud…”, I killed the pkgaction process, did “yum-complete-transaction” and “yum clean all” as I found in the forums.
Then, after a reboot, the service “rh-mariadb105-mariadb@nextcloud” was not running, I started it via cockpit but nextcloud told me, it was in maintanance mode.
As there are almost no active users in nextcloud (this nethserver is mainly used as email-Server) I decided to backup the users data and do a complete reinstall of nextcloud. (as shown here:
To make a long story short: now, after the installation of nextcloud via cockpit software center, I get the message: “The following command failed: system-packages/update”
echo '{"action":"install","packages":["@nethserver-nextcloud"]}' | /usr/bin/setsid /usr/bin/sudo /usr/libexec/nethserver/api/system-packages/update | jq
Nextcloud (Version seems to be running, I can login and bring the installation to an end.
But the integration into nethserver seems to be missing. No nethserver users in nextcloud as it was before, SQLite Database and the default nextcloud user interface.
Until now I did everything in the nethserver cockpit, now I don’t know how to go on, is it save to use nextcloud as it is or should I better try to install nextcloud without error message?
Hope anybody understands this novel