[Solved] NethServer on Xen Server

I have just created my first XenServer host at home on an HP N40L Microserver and after reading Linux Format decided to use NethServer as my first VM.

It all works great, love the simple clean Nethserver but I have a problem trying to install xs-tools from the Xen Server to my Nethserver

I have followed several examples on google, but none seem specific to Xen Server

In the Xen interface I right click on the VM to install xen-tools, it appears as a virtual CD as xen-tools.iso.

In a SSH session to my nethserver I have created a xs-tool directory in /mnt then I try to mount /dev/xvdd /mnt/xs-tools but get back the prompt
mount: you must specify the filesystem type

I have tried several but not had any luck,

Any help from somebody who may have done this please

OK after finding lots of people saying use mount /dev/xvdd /mnt I stumbled across one post that said use mount /dev/cdrom and it worked !