NethServer Version: 7.4.1708
Module: fail2ban
Hi everyone,
This is rather a topic for Stephdl as maintainer of the module fail2ban.
Fail2ban worked fine ‘out of the box’ for me, but unfortunatly after reading the Wiki ( ) i tried to define a different bantime for each jail and then came the problems because i get banned from each service i installed (mail, nextcloud an so on). Disabling Fail2ban allows me to get my server works (it’s not a virtual one), i’m sure fail2ban is involved in this problem.
As a first workaround, i tried to reset each value as mentioned in the Wiki : it didn’t solve the problem when i reactivated Fail2ban.
So i tried to uninstall fail2ban, but it didn’t solved the problem either.
When typing : db configuration show fail2ban , i see that my configuration database is still there as i can see the IP’s i whitelisted, so following the developpers Guide, i tried to reset fail2ban’s database with : /usr/libexec/nethserver/initialize-fail2ban-database but it failed… Which didn’t surprized me when moving to /usr/libexec/nethserver/ i realized there’s no database related to fail2ban, so my question is :
how can i reinitialize fail2ban’s database, as i think it could do the job ?
Thanks & have a nice day.