Sogo Mail NS8 Directorys

NethServer Version: 8
Module: Sogo, Mail
Hello Folks, can anyone tell me where i can find the Mail Directorys in NS8 ? In NS7 it was here /var/lib/nethserver/vmail but did not find it in NS8.

Maybe this helps:


it did not help, but i will thank you for your try Markus. I tried to copy a bunch of sendet Emails from one Sogo Installtion NS7 to Sogo Installation NS8 and stranded with no luck.

Sogo uses the mailserver.
So it’s also possible to use a mail client like Thunderbird and setup both the NS7 and the NS8 account and copy the mails.

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Hello @hucky ,
in addition to the info of @mrmarkuz,
I think you can also look at the folder
implied that mail1 is the used mail instance.

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unfortunately i did not find it there. but thanks a lot for your try :slight_smile:

It should be there, maybe your mail instance name is not mail1.

You can check the names in the app drawer on the top right in the UI or on CLI:

ls /home

If it returns for example mail3, then you can find the mails in


Please check if the permissions of the copied mails are ok if you use this method.

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my directory is named mail1 but it is empty, i did not have at this position any further directory.

Maybe it was an old instance that wasn’t fully removed.
Are there other mail instances like mail2 or mail3?

Nope, nothing, i am on Rocky 9.5…

Perhaps mail1 is not empty.


cd /home/mail1
ls -a
ls -la

You need the -a parameter to see folder with a . at the beginning.

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