SOGO mail issue on Zentyal

NethServer Version: your_version Zentyal server 5.0
Module: your_module 5.0.1
Unable to see sogo mail inbox and zentyal mail LDAP setting issue suspected as per my observation.

Ahem… Mate, this is Nethserver support community, not zentyal one…

Stefano is right, could you clarify what is the NethServer role? Did you connect Zentyal LDAP as remote account provider?

Please share more information to get help!

Do you use Zentyal as AD and NethServer for SoGo?
How are they set up ?

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Hi @dollar_avatar welcome to the NethServer Community!
we have a lot of people here that are ex Zentyal users like @robb @drivemeca @douglasdiasn @greavette @cswain @wombat77 @medworthy @iglqut I hope they can help you with your issues.
Just be aware that we don’t know Zentyal very well, if you need a more effective support I suggest you to try SOGo on NethServer. We have a bunch of discussions on differences with Zentyal and migrations. Take a look!

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Like @alefattorini said, a lot of people here come from Zentyal, me too.
We can try to help you with your issue, but we need more infos about your configuration please.

This was the right way for me 1,5 years ago.

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To be fair to the OP, I use Zentyal and the forum isn’t much good.
It’s not as active as on this forum.

I haven’t used Zentyal since around 2015… maybe 2016.

Go Nethserver and never look back =)

We can try to help you with more information about your configuration.
If you want to try nethserver we can assist you much better, because we know this product much better.


I’ve seen your other post,
you’ve already installed nethserver.
Let us know how we can help.

I have, a test server to assess, and thanks for the offer of support. I think this forum is excellent.

However before I found you guys I had already sold and installed over 20 Zentyal servers which I still maintain and have on the whole been excellent servers.

I’m looking forward to using nethserver, my dissatisfaction with Zentyal is the forum isn’t very good, the updates on the community version can and have broken servers and no subscription you can only buy the full version for one big payment.
The subscription for security updates is what makes NS appealing to me.

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Yes, I use zentyal as an AD Server and netheserver for Sogo, I use sogo mail as a module in zentyal i made necessary changes for mail server but in sogo configure i am getting database connection error due to that i am not able to see my mail box in sogo mail access but i can configured mail in via outlook and thunderbird it is working.

I would love to take support from you i was trying to host a new webpage on my zentyal server machine but due to some changes my sogo mail web access getting error which is completely blank in web access mode but i am able to send and receive mail via outlook and Thunderbird application. Mail is working correctly but unable to see the view of web mail box.

I am getting this kind of error in sogo mail config file. I would really like your support, This is the error which i am facing from while configuring sogo mail. (MyBDEngine.PM connection error db myenginE DB)

Sorry I can’t follow you, or did you mean

I use SOGo mail as a module in Nethserver

What I understood, is that @dollar_avatar is running SOGo on Zentyal (5?)
As others also pointed out, this is a NethServer forum and although some of us come from Zentyal, we can support NethServer and the modules running on NethServer. For Zentyal support you really should ask in Zentyal forums.
I can only urge you to consider moving away from Zentyal and migrate to NethServer for several reasons (We can discuss this in another topic). IF you decide to move to NethServer, we can assist you with any problems you might run into.
If you decide to take the leap, I strongly suggest to move services from Zentyal to (a VM of) NethServer first, before overwriting anything on your Zentyal server. As soon you are confident all services are running correctly on NethServer, it is time to decommission your Zentyal install.
Depending on your hardware, you might even want to consider to use a virtualization layer first before you install NethServer. In our community, we have quite some experience with ProxMox, KVM and ESXi.


Sorry Rob I didn’t quoted the fully sentence, I corrected it.

At the sentence after this sentence he said he uses Sogo as an module on Zentyal. I think he means Nethserver, Zentyal has no modules, or am I wrong.

Do you plan to migrate to NethServer then? Or are you still fighting with Zentyal? :smiley:

Yes, I am still fighting with zentyal. :smiley:

Good luck :four_leaf_clover:

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Really you should use the better alternative.
Install NethServer and use all on it.

Try as a side install and compare for yourself

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