Trying to set up a Outlook 2007 profile on a desktop connected to Nethserver it’s lan where a domain controller handles the user accounts.
Steps to reproduce:
Install and update Nethserver 7.4;
Install Nethserver domain controller;
Install Sogo GroupWare;
Add sogo.{sub}.{domain}.{tld} and autodiscover.{sub}.{domain}.{tld} to Nethserver it’s dns;
Open Outlook 2007 and go through the mail configure wizard, choosing Mircosoft Exchange allong the way.
Result is this message from Outlook:
The name is unknown. The connection to Microsoft Exchange is not available. Outlook must be online or there must be a connection to complete this action.
Am I missing something? I already went through the documentation of Nethserver and of Sogo regarding Outlook.
But, if you can avoid to use such an old and unsupported outlook it would be far better
if outlook is not mandatory, use thunderbird or, better, use the webmail (no client at all)
I have a customer of mine with 220 users which moved from mail client on every pc to the webmail… he’s an happy customer now
I sincerely can’t see any problem with it… uninstall it and you’re done… TB is not so far in usability from outlook… I mean: reading, writing, searching… it’s almost the same, just a different UI but nothing a monkey can’t learn to use in 1h
good luck