Sorry for the welcome topic absence over the last weeks, I have a been a bit busy with some events like
- OpenForEducation with Nethesis partner
- my talk at Codemotion Rome (packed room, more than 200 attendees!)
And you? What’s up? What are you working on? A new week is already started and we’re always here building and supporting our beloved NethServer
As every week It’s time to welcome all of our 65 new members!
Make yourselves at home and consider this your safe space for any questions you have related to NethServer or IT professionals. This is an incredibly supportive and understanding community. We’re all here to help each other. GIVE US A TRY
So people, who are you and what specifically are you working on at the moment?
- @MarioPignatiello - Mario Pignatiello - Italy
- @ThePhoenix - Matt Gerasolo - USA
- @vlink - yusman - Indonesia
- @aad - Aad Bruijnzeel - the Netherlands
- @conor - Conor Bergman - United States
- @Olopez - Orlando - mexico
- @vmakol - Vinit Makol - Canada
- @curculio - Robert Fenske - Germany
- @chlewis - Charles Lewis - USA
- @tesserakt - Christian Van Endern - Germany
- @dev11 - Dev11 - {}
- @bjarnet - Beat Arnet - USA
- @Mjbbus - Mjbbus - Australia
- @oliverie - Oli - Argentina
- @Deep_Web - Deep Web - Namibia
- @Ant_Theory - Anthony Spates - United States
- @Pedro_Sousa - Pedro Sousa - portugal
- @gorgo - gorgo - nl
- @Georgi_Valtchev - Georgi Valtchev - Bulgaria
- @roobyz - Roberto Rivera - USA
- @pabloperez_dev - Pablo Perez - Brasil
- @moisseev - Alexander Moisseev - Russia
- @MikeleOMR - Mikele Negrin - romania
- @McHenry - Henry - Australia
- @david.bigagli - David Bigagli - Italy
- @erosen03 - Eugene Rosenfeld - United States
- @chrisjiggs - Chris Jiggens - UK
- @davidgriffeth - David Griffeth - USA
- @James_Taylor - James Taylor - USA
- @tmesrl - Mauro - italy
- @marledavid - Marle David - India
- @Back_Back - Back Back - france
- @markareait - Mark Albrecht - Australia
- @dg1sek - Siegfried Loeffler - Paris
- @Dmitry_Bykov - Dmitry Bykov - Kazakhstan
- @Kyle_Phillips - Kyle Phillips - United States
- @ycicek - Yunus - Türkiye
- @Ahmed - Ahmed Samy - USA
- @Matthew99 - Matthew - United Kingdom
- @Breserand - Roland King - USA
- @LoTex - LoTex - germany
- @Hitmoky_Hitter - Hitmoky Hitter - Netherlands
- @serious - Sergey - Russia
- @Lawrence_Yip - Lawrence Yip - hong kong
- @William-uk - William Bowden - Uk
- @mariana_migliato - Mariana Migliato - Brazil
- @deafsquad - NP - Germany
- @Levest28 - Levest28 - Canada
- @vranivran - Vrani Vran - Serbia
- @makaan - Marco - NL
- @Murz - Alexey Korepov - Russia
- @AntonioLincoln - Antonio Lincoln M Sousa - Brazil
- @njvdh - Nico van der Horn - Nederland
- @Paul_Fisher - Paul Fisher - United States
- @bobtskutter - bob - uk
- @elnino - elnino - PL
- @gleidson - gleidson galvao - Beazil
- @willost - Stephen Willoughby - USA
- @rpaugusto - Ricardo Pinheiro Augusto - Portugal
- @jbreness - Jose David Brenes M - Costa Rica
- @veeramani - Veeramani P - India
- @NassimMak - Nassim - Holland
- @CCare - Kim Christofte - Ireland
- @slix - Dan Spanache - Romania
I’d like to tag here some old faces as well, like: @davidep @dnutan @flatspin @jfernandez @danb35 @filippo_carletti @dz00te @greavette @hucky @FixitFelix
What’s on your plate folks?