Hi Jim
At the moment, this process for migration SME -> NethServer is valid:
This uses a Full Backup (file) done on SME - and not Rsync.
Do you have a link pointing to any instructions using rsync? (Could help diagnostics…)
I am also an old SME User, migrated all my 25-30 Clients about 2-3 years ago…
Following the instructions worked for me, with the exception of one SME-Server, where a backup wouldn’t work anymore. I had to do that one “by hand” with a new installation.
Important is verify that you do not have any accounts / mailboxes / ibays with “illegal” names for NethServer. Usually iBays aren’t a problem, as both SME and NethServer have the same requirements for naming. But Users and eMail Aliases can be an issue.
Best thing would be to setup NethServer again, and use a Backup File from SME as Migration basis.
My 2 cents