Shared folder Credentials

Did you try to connect with IP instead of hostname?

Dear Rob, i tried some different attempts rejoining and deleting cache and resting ip. But no help. After restarting the pc the problem occurs. This pc is not joined to domain it is connected to the same workgroup. The roaming profile not enabled on server.

I will try and let you know. Thanks for the suggestion.

Are there any entries in the samba log of the fileserver. You also could try enabling samba audit to get some info.
Also check /var/log/messages for relevant info.

Dear Robb, I searched log/messages for relevant info but I found nothing. I thought Pike (Michael Kicks) has commented the clue, I removed the user and created new user with another name and the problem is solved. Now when we open My Computer, the network drives getting detected free and used space and can be opened without problem. Let’s check this another few days and we can share the confirmity. Thanks very much who has attanded to this problem to help me. Have a good day. Be safe

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Well… Windows is dumb sometimes, just like a lot of softwares.
If you create goofy user, and you later rename it Fethry Duck, username still will be goofy, so your servers should have goofy as username. Or you have to store into user credentials every server/service that will need Fethry Duck credentials and related passwords.
Or your client software should have a “username and password” section.

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