what is your desktop @alefattorini…you ask us but you don’t show it
I’m not at home neither at office. Give me a few days and I’ll show you my spectacular spot!
This is a semi cleaned up picture of my space. There are 3 computers (2 laptops and 1 desktop underneath my desk) all connected through one mouse and keyboard via Synergy.
What model/brand is the left monitor ?
LG Ultra Wide ? or Samsung ?
@Ctek it’s an AOC. Here’s the actual model: http://www.newegg.ca/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16824160162. I think the display might actually be based on Panasonic technology. It was quite tricky to get it to work in Ubuntu 15.10 though.
you don’t use some extensions with gnome 3, is it a pure gnome 3 ?
I have myself 20 extensions enabled
No extension at all, just a vanilla Fedora Gnome 3
Mac pro on the desk?
With all these Mac users here, I think it’s time to demand an official NethServer-Netatalk package.
With an NethServer-avahi avaible with out be a CUP dependency
I’m still looking for the dislike button
Sounds interesting to me, please open a new topic or follow up Jim’s one
Uuuh, it looks like mine
My temporary workplace (my office is behind the open door but I temporarily “rented” to the Software development dept. ).
Mac Pro 2011