I tried to connect via WinSCP through our proxy to an external server. Without proxy it works.
At WinSCP I set the proxy as HTTP proxy and get the following error:
After that I tried to bypass the proxy. I created a firewall object with the destination IP and configured squid to use this object for bypass a specific destination, but this didn’t change anything.
Site information:
The proxy is manual without authentication.
Squid SHOULD be able to handle SFTP (Not SSH as such), but i’m not sure about this.
I personally bypass my Proxy at home for SSH / SFTP access to my clients.
For me, it’s very simple. SSH does not go through my Proxy, it goes directly out via Firewall.
Truth is, I am practically the only person at my clients using SSH…
Both my IT Partners DO use SSH (one more, one less), but both don’t really know how to use Port forwarding over SSH, even though I’ve showed them more than once…
(And I’m not that bad a tutor/teacher!)…
I just got the first of my new server hardware today, so now I have to replace my older Proxmox…
Loads of work!
As soon as my network is ready again, I will be attempting using SSH Passthru on Squid/OPNsense and Squid/NethServer…