Setup Samba Active Directory in local server

NethServer Version: 7.3.1611
Module: Account provider: Samba Active Directory

I am new with this and I have a question and request same time.
Can someone do a video tutorial how can I setup samba active directory in local server?

Because if I try create this in vmware then I get nethserver-dc-join #6 (exit status 256) error everytime.

  • I have 2 NAT + 1 Bridge networks and two is lan(green) and other a internet(red).
  • I created a bridge for lan 2 after I installed this Account provider: Samba Active Directory module/package without problem. I use lan 1 to access the webadmin or what called.

When the package request, that I must write an IP, then I gave the lan 2 IP and after I click to Start DC.
I wait to finish the setup and after I get this message nethserver-dc-join #6 (exit status 256) with red background.

I tried everyday with different method for example with 3 NAT network, write in DC first lan ip, create automatically bridge, etc… But it is not successful…

Go to /var/log/messages and find what is wrong