This editing is from my desktop with popos 20.04 lts on vlan10 newly created all routing
ok flawless.
Trusted networks on nethserver --> go to system --> Trusted Networks and this is automatically added when you create the nethserver vlan, only to check
The routing pane is added also automatically i have by the past 1year make the basic route into br0 the vlan i didn’t route anything was automatically done by nethserver
And with the ubiquity edgeswitch
vlan 1
ports: 1,2,4,5,6,7,8,9 10 – untagged
3 – excluded
vlan 10
port 1 Tagged the (router on the stick network configuration style)
so the port 1 is connected from the ubiquity to lan nethserver ethernet card (easy)
ports: 2,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 – Excluded
chosed trunk port 1, by default they are greyed and not selected, deselect and chose port 1
then go to the gauge clock the first icon and go to each port grey cogwheel at the right and select isolate port (one by one you repeat this action to all ports, 1 to 10), and that’s it easy peasy:)
And i had the newly vlan 10 created on ubiquiti edgeswitch port 3 which i connected to another dumb switch (not vlan capable), and i get ip from vlan 10, and cross networks access, internet etc… All good