Setup catchall email addresses?

Hi there, just started to set up a new VPS install of Nethserver. I have been using redmail so far, which is ok but not totally.

But, what I am used to do it set up a catch all email address. How can I set up one with nethserver? Of course could set it up directly via CLI on postfix, but would rather use Nethserver for it. So far I like it better than Webmin, cause it is simple and just need to configure basics. Although adding a catch all is, I think, also pretty basic.

Keep up the good work. Hope someone can help me answer my question.


Is this your case?

“To keep an hidden copy of any message traversing the mail server, enable the Always send a copy (Bcc) check box. This feature is different from the same check box under Email > Domain as it does not differentiate between mail domains and catches also any outgoing message.”

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Hi @davidep,

No, that’s not what I meant. What you suggest is for outgoing messages, while I want a catch-all address for incoming. Sorry, I have not been clear enough in my question. Thanks for the quick reply though!

AFAIK it catches any message transiting into the mail system: “keep an hidden copy of any message traversing the mail server”. If it does not catch them all, it is a bug.

To have a copy of messages directed to a particular domain there is a similar checkbox under “Email > Domain” Tab

“NethServer allows storing an hidden copy of all messages directed to a particular domain: they will be delivered to the final recipient and also to a local user (or group). The hidden copy is enabled by the Always send a copy (Bcc) check box.”

Don’t BCC all mails, only catch ‘unknown recipients’

You have to use following:

  1. Email -> Domain
  2. Edit your Domain
  3. Checkbox -> ‘Accept unknown recipients’
  4. Now you can put in your ‘delivery to’ mail address

I like that feature. I use it to determine where my SPAM comes from.
For each internet account I have different mail addresses like:,,,,, etc.


You could use “plus addressing” for that. See:

It’s enabled by default on NethServer.