Setting up PTR record at registrar/VPS provider

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NethServer Version: 7.7
Module: mail
Today I received a bounced email, probably from a rather strict mailserver.
The bouncereason was that I didn’t have a ptr record set for my mailserver.:

450 4.7.1 Client host rejected: cannot find your reverse hostname

After some searching I found the location where to set the PTR record: in the console of the VPS provider (which is not the DNS registrar) In my case, I use Contabo as VPS provider.

I am not a DNS guru and was wondering what would be the correct value to enter in the name section for the ptr record?
Here is a screen from the reverse dns management in the contabo console:

The IP address is set. The PTR record can be filled in or changed.
Now what would be the value to be filled in, in the PTR record section?
Is that the domain name? (domain.tld)
Is that the servername (server.domain.tld)
Is that the mailserver name? (mail.domain.tld)
Anyone cares to explain and advice this to me?

How do your server “presents” to the other mailservers througt SMTP?
mail.domain.tld or server.domain.tld?

That would probably the FQDN on how the MX record is set: mail.domain.tld
Am I right?

I’d use that… anyway, think that some tools can analyze your message for diagnose…



A mail server needs a forward (A and MX records, a CNAME isn’t good enough) AND reverse lookup (PTR = Pointer Records).

Forward DNS any DNS can provide.

Reverse Lookups the owner (or better: registered entitity) of the used IPs has to enter in the PTR records. Some have a web interface, here in Switzerland the providers have a formular for your office or home if you need that. Hosted is always allocated by the Provider, as the IPs belong to him.

Several “names” can point to the same IP, if your mailserver hosts several domains. The idea is that your main domainname is reflected in the PTR, or at least part of…

These links may help checking your mail dns config:

Hope that helps understanding the background behind mail & dns…

My 2 cents