Set second pppoe

NethServer Version: 7.9.2009

Hi, prepare to setup new server to customer below is network

green: eno1
red: enp1s0f0 → pppoe
red: enp1s0f1 → pppoe

for red: enp1s0f0 → pppoe I can setup as usual.
but for red: enp1s0f1 → pppoe I cannot set up

I do cp /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-ppp0 to ifcfg-ppp1
and add a record to the networks db:
db networks set ppp1 xdsl-disabled AuthType auto user XXX Password XXX name PPPoE provider YYY role red

There is no new ppp1 in network.

Could you help?

Dont’ quote me on that, but maybe NethServer supports only 1 PPPoE interface…

As @pike said it is possible that only one PPPoE interface is supported on the GUI.
I assume you followed the steps described in:

with the db command (or compare the db entry from the working interface):

db networks set ppp1 xdsl AuthType auto user XXX Password XXX name PPPoE provider YYY role red
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Thanks @pike @dnutan In that case I will set 2nd pppoe to Routing mode.